Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Flower Party

Want to do something fun and creative with your friends? Have a Flower Party! In the spring would be a great time to have it, when the flowers are in bloom in the yard. However, if you do it during the winter, everyone can purchase fresh flowers at the grocery store or the local florist, or get silk flowers at the craft store.

Decide before hand if you want to have a Silk Flower Party or a Fresh Flower Party. Then the fun begins!

With Fresh Flowers, you can have everyone bring a bunch with them, then share with each other so everyone has a variety to work with. Give everyone a sharp knife and a container of water to arrange their flowers in and let them design an arrangement. You might be surprized at the hidden talent. (They can bring the containers back later). Use any glass container, it does not have to be a traditional vase, a teapot looks gorgeous with flowers. If you don't have a lot of containers that you think would work, run down to the thrift shop and pick some odd containers up.

With Silk Flowers you need more to work with. In a container you need floral foam to anchor the flowers. Or you can get hairpieces, barrets, wristlets, pins etc. to make floral jewelry with. Don't forget the glue and cutting tools.

Have a contest and give prizes to best, most unique, funniest, etc. Serve refreshments and you have a great Flower Party for you and your friends.

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