Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reflexology Party

Give your girlfriends a treat with a Reflexology Party! Warn them in advance to have clean feet : )

When everyone arrives, pair them up. One will massage the feet of the other.

Serve finger foods and relax. Set a time, say a half hour, and then have the partners switch. The receivers are now the givers.

Reflexology is a natural means of getting your body to line up the way it should. Many of your guests will find they feel better in the morning. They may want to do this every month because of the physical benefits.

Have fun!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quilt (Quilting) Party

Quilting has been around for years. Most of our grandmothers and great grandmothers made their quilts by hand. These days many of us use a machine to quilt because it is faster to complete a project.

A Quilt or Quilting Party can be a fun get together. Plan ahead if you want to teach a new square each time you meet or let everyone bring their own patterns. You could take turns teaching a new quilt square each time you meet.

Have everyone bring their fabric, measuring and cutting tools. Use the meeting times to teach techniques and patterns. Have everyone do their sewing at home or if you have room they can bring their machines and sew during the Quilt Party. Or half could cut and half sew on alternating weeks.

If you need new patterns, check on the internet.

Which ever way you set it up, have fun!


Friday, December 18, 2009

Bride To Be Party

A Bride To Be Party is an exciting and stress free way to plan for your wedding. Call all your single friends to invite them and have them bring pictures, samples, and ideas for their wedding. Give them a couple weeks to a month advance notice so they have time to collect items.

Plan finger foods for your refreshments so everyone can chat while they snack.

The Bride To Be has many things to plan:
1) Type of wedding - formal, semi formal, casual or theme (see links to theme weddings in this blog).

2)Invitations - engraved or hand written

3)Size of wedding - how many attendants and how many guests

4)The Dress, tux's and bridesmaids dresses

5) Color scheme

6)Flowers - plan and order early so florist is available

7) Where will you hold the wedding

8) Reception -
a) Where to hold it
b) Decorations/Flowers
c) Cake
d) Will there be any food

Every Bride To Be will have to make these major decisions as well as many small ones.

You may want to meet weekly or monthly to go over just a few items on the list each time.

This Bride To Be Party can be fun and stress free so when the time comes to make the plans, you will be ahead of the game. Discuss your ideas with the groom to be and adjust as needed.

Have Fun!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Craft Party II

A Craft Party is a great way to get a group together and have some fun. Pick out the craft you want to share and buy enough for yourself and your guests. If cost is a factor, ask your friends if they can pay for their craft supplies.

When the guests arrive, pass out the supplies and start your class. You don't have to be a teacher or a pro to do this. The only criteria is that you enjoy the craft you are sharing.

Share with your friends how to construct your craft. Let them know it is okay to ask questions.

Have a craft party once a month. Let the participants know in advance the cost for your month. Take turns and let each of your friends teach their favorite craft. When everyone has had a turn, have everyone bring their favorite craft and just work on it each month.

You could also take turns bringing refreshments so you don't always have to provide them.

Have fun!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Craft Party I

It's really easy to have a Craft Party, a good excuse to get together and have fun; at minimal expense. One way to have a craft party is to have your friends each bring their favorite craft (ie: knitting, crocheting, tatting, beading, stamps, etc.). Have them bring enough for themselves and one other person.

Split the guests into pairs. This can be done by picking half the group to be teachers - pick numbers or names out of a hat or bowl - and then pair them up with a partner. Or let the pupils choose - however that might cause a problem if everyone wants to learn the same craft.

The first half of your craft party time, have the group of teachers teach their students. For instance, the knitting, crocheting and tatting could be taught. Then change, the beading, stamps, etc. can be taught. The teachers become the students and the students teach.

After both sets have taught and learned a new craft, serve refreshments and give everyone a chance to share about what they learned and what they thought about the craft.

Have fun!!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Flower Party

Want to do something fun and creative with your friends? Have a Flower Party! In the spring would be a great time to have it, when the flowers are in bloom in the yard. However, if you do it during the winter, everyone can purchase fresh flowers at the grocery store or the local florist, or get silk flowers at the craft store.

Decide before hand if you want to have a Silk Flower Party or a Fresh Flower Party. Then the fun begins!

With Fresh Flowers, you can have everyone bring a bunch with them, then share with each other so everyone has a variety to work with. Give everyone a sharp knife and a container of water to arrange their flowers in and let them design an arrangement. You might be surprized at the hidden talent. (They can bring the containers back later). Use any glass container, it does not have to be a traditional vase, a teapot looks gorgeous with flowers. If you don't have a lot of containers that you think would work, run down to the thrift shop and pick some odd containers up.

With Silk Flowers you need more to work with. In a container you need floral foam to anchor the flowers. Or you can get hairpieces, barrets, wristlets, pins etc. to make floral jewelry with. Don't forget the glue and cutting tools.

Have a contest and give prizes to best, most unique, funniest, etc. Serve refreshments and you have a great Flower Party for you and your friends.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tight Budget Wedding

A Tight Budget Wedding can be just as beautiful and memorable as one with no budget limits. The difference is you have to work a little harder at it and use your imagination.

Wedding Invitations can be hand written by whoever you know that has good penmanship. The trick is to lay a lined piece of paper under what you are writing on.

Dresses can be bought at Thrift Shops, at 'David's Bridal' (great prices), or hand made by a seamstress, it helps if there is one in the family. Check them all out and see which fits into your tight budget as well as time constraints.

Photos can be taken by everyone if you plan ahead. Hand out disposable cameras and ask them to turn them in after the reception. Ask around, you probably know someone that has a video camera.

Flowers too can be saved on in a Tight Budget Wedding. Speak with your florist and tell her your budget. Your bouquet is the most important piece. Your bridesmaids can carry a single stem flower giving a touch of elegance with minimal costs.

The church flowers could be two simple altar arrangements using nine stems of gladiolas in each arrangement. They are a tall, multi-bloom flower that goes a long way. Glads come in many colors but if you want t different color, ask your florist to order white glads then spritz the center of each bloom with the color of your choice. After the church service you can move them to your reception area.

The reception can be simple - cake, coffee and punch. Check around for where to order your wedding cake, sometimes the local grocery store is the least expensive for this item.

Plan ahead as much as you can, compare prices with three or more store and ENJOY planning for Your Big Day!

til next time