Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quilt (Quilting) Party

Quilting has been around for years. Most of our grandmothers and great grandmothers made their quilts by hand. These days many of us use a machine to quilt because it is faster to complete a project.

A Quilt or Quilting Party can be a fun get together. Plan ahead if you want to teach a new square each time you meet or let everyone bring their own patterns. You could take turns teaching a new quilt square each time you meet.

Have everyone bring their fabric, measuring and cutting tools. Use the meeting times to teach techniques and patterns. Have everyone do their sewing at home or if you have room they can bring their machines and sew during the Quilt Party. Or half could cut and half sew on alternating weeks.

If you need new patterns, check on the internet.

Which ever way you set it up, have fun!


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